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About Us


Learn more About Us, our story and how Enlighten Women came to existence.

Many years ago, l read a book called 7 women, it’s a fascinating book and l recommend every Christian woman to read it. The book talks about women of purpose that are history makers and impacted the society enormously, some of those women are Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks and many others. The book leaves you with questions like, why am I here on earth and what is my purpose? l was a new believer by then but l trusted God to reveal what my purpose was, long story short. After a tragic season in my life, God put it in my heart to start Enlighten women, a platform that will enable women to step into their God given purpose.

in Ephesians 2:10, we are the workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for Good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. At Enlighten Women we enable women all around the world to step into the purposes God has called them to be.

Join Thousands of women that have taken their first step to obey the voice of God and fulfill his Purpose on earth. You are loved beyond measure.

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Join Thousands of women that have taken there first step to obey the voice of God and fulfill his Purpose on earth. You are loved beyond measure.